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Week 1 Strategic Analysis Paper

Week 1 Strategic Analysis Paper

Q Please read the following chapters that describe how information can be used strategically, which is the topic for this week's paper: • Chapter 2 - Data Governance and IT Architecture Support Long-Term Performance (PowerPoint) • Chapter 3 - Data Management, Big Data Analytics, and Records Management (PowerPoint) Please watch the following videos on Michael Porter's Five Forces model: • Video and article: What are 'Porter's 5 Forces' Links to an external site.explains Michael Porter's five forces model. • Video:The Five Competitive Forces That Shape StrategyLinks to an external site. How Does Google Make Money?Links to an external site. Chapter 1 and the videos above describe Porter’s Five Competitive Forces model. Use the search term “information sharing in a supply chain” to find 2 peer-reviewed articles from academic journals about the use of information in supply chains or value chains. Write a summary of each article and explain how the use of information in each article relates to Porter’s Five Competitive Forces model. Discuss how information can be used strategically, based on the example(s) in the articles. Your paper should be in APA format and 3-4 pages, not counting the title page and reference pages. Make sure you have in-text citations and a reference page. For help with APA formatting, click here Links to an external site.. To view a sample APA paper, click here Links to an external site.. Also, use the WilmU Library Tutorials page Links to an external site. to help you with this week's assignment. Rubric COT GRAD Paper Rubric COT GRAD Paper Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Purpose 25 to >23.0 pts Work stands out as exemplary, is accurately detailed, and reflects the assignment purpose. Paper provides an in-depth, clear, and concise description of the topic. 23 to >21.0 pts Work is accurately detailed and reflects the assignment purpose. Paper provides a clear and concise description of the topic. 21 to >18.0 pts Work mostly reflects the assignment purpose. Paper provides adequate support to the topic. 18 to >17.0 pts Work marginally reflects the assignment purpose. Paper provides only basic support to the topic. 17 to >0 pts Work does not reflect the assignment purpose. Paper does not address or minimally addresses topic. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking 25 to >23.0 pts Integrates ideas from several sources and through critical analysis applies the ideas in a new context. Draws compelling new insights based upon the research. 23 to >21.0 pts Integrates ideas from several sources with some evidence of critical analysis to provide new insight(s). 21 to >18.0 pts Uses ideas from multiple sources with some integration. Some critical thinking, but minimal new insights. 18 to >17.0 pts Uses ideas from multiple sources, but the ideas are disjointed and there is little evidence of critical thinking. 17 to >0 pts Reiterates ideas from limited sources. No evidence of critical thinking. 25 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Support 20 to >18.7 pts Uses more than required number of scholarly/professional references to support research with excellent, clear, and concise integration 18.7 to >17.4 pts Uses more than required number of scholarly/professional references to support research with good integration 17.4 to >16.1 pts Uses required number of scholarly/professional references to support research with good integration 16.1 to >14.8 pts Uses required number of scholarly/professional references to support research with poor integration 14.8 to >0 pts Ineffective support and/or documentation of research 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Style 10 to >9.4 pts Well developed paragraphs. Sequencing enhances ideas and meaning. Ideas focused on central theme. 9.4 to >8.7 pts Individual paragraphs are good. Good flow between paragraphs with adequate structure and sequencing of ideas. 8.7 to >8.0 pts Paragraphs are adequate, but sequencing and flow between paragraphs is not always logical. 8 to >7.3 pts Poor sentence sequence within paragraphs making it difficult to understand the intent of the paragraph. Poor flow between paragraphs. 7.3 to >0 pts Ideas not in logical order. No structure to paragraphs. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling, Grammar, Punctuation 10 to >9.4 pts No spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors are readily apparent 9.4 to >8.7 pts Paper contains 1 or 2 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 8.7 to >8.0 pts Paper contains 3 or 4 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 8 to >7.3 pts Paper contains 5 or 6 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 7.3 to >0 pts Paper is riddled with spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style/Formatting 10 to >9.4 pts No APA errors are readily apparent 9.4 to >8.7 pts Paper contains 1 or 2 different APA errors regarding formatting, citations, and/or references 8.7 to >8.0 pts Paper contains 3 or 4 different APA errors regarding formatting, citations, and/or references 8 to >7.3 pts Paper contains 5 or 6 different APA errors regarding formatting, citations, and/or references 7.3 to >0 pts Paper is riddled with APA errors 10 pts Total Points: 100

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According to the first article by Li Wang 2018, supply chain information is shared information between a company, customer and supplier. The information received can be used by the company in various ways. One is to understand the customer's demand which may be a lower commodity price or a higher product quality. If the company can use such information in a good way, it will be able to earn the trust of its customers. In the same perspective of sharing information between customers and a company, the customers also get to know when the company has promotions, discounts or such offers.